Launch UK has unveiled its most advanceddiagnostics tool to date, the X431Eurotab II.

The product
comprises all the excellent features in the previous Eurotab model, but with
many more features as standard such as
DoIP (Diagnostic over Internet Protocol), J2534 pass-through onlineprogramming, DTC-based database and, intelligent diagnosis.

Offering wide
vehicle model coverage of Asian, American and European vehicles, the powerful
diagnostic tool supports dual 5 GHz Wi-Fi communication, built to IP65protection level standards.

Using the new Eurotab II, technicians can
identify the vehicle model by reading the VIN automatically. The product also
supports matching, coding, programming, service lamp resetting, throttlematching, steering angle resetting and, brake pad resetting.

Eurotab II comes with a docking station and brand new Connector Smartbox v3.0 –
a diagnostics box developed by Launch to support multiple communication models
such as USB, bluetooth, WiFi, DoIP and multiple diagnostics protocols includingJ2534.

The Smartbox
software switches to the DoIP mode automatically for any vehicle that requires
diagnosis over internet protocol. Additionally, the device automatically
alternates between DoIP and normal diagnosis without user action needed foreven faster vehicle diagnosis. 

Using the J2534
Pass-through online programming functions require users to download thecorresponding tool installation package via the Launch website Here, users canalso purchase OE diagnostic software.

Launch’s J2534 OEM Supported Software covers the following vehicle marques:
Toyota / Lexus, General Motors, Honda, Volkswagen / Audi, Land Rover / Jaguar,Subaru and Volvo.

Key features of the new
Eurotab II include: Fuse and relay box locations and overview, wiring diagrams
for Engine, ABS, ESP and air conditioning, component locations and information,
fault codes (manufacturer and EOBD), ground point locations, EOBD connector
location, control unit locations, battery disconnection / reconnection
procedures, high-voltage circuit deactivation procedures and wiring diagrams
covering door locks, windows, airbags, exterior lights, starting / charging andwiper systems.

The new product comes complete with
a two year warranty, two year worth of software updates and Haynes PRO databasefor one year.

Post By Launch Tech UK