Though having only become widely available in the past 10-20 years, hybrid cars have actually been around for quite a while; in fact the first hybrid car, the 'Lohner-Porsche Mixte', was invented in 1896 by a 21 year old Ferdinand Porsche. At the time the vehicle was too expensive for mass consumption, but with almost 120 years of research and technological advances since its initial inception, hybrid cars are now a realistic, viable alternative to pure petrol run cars.
This is not to say that they behave in the exact same way, and with research into more effective hybrids consistently on-going, its evolution is far from over. There is no debate that their environmental impact is far less than standard cars, but as things stand now, is getting a hybrid car an economical option?
6 Pros of Hybrid Cars
- On average hybrid cars emit 23% less pollution and toxic emissions, which is the reason behind its most apparent benefit, their eco-friendliness.
- Whilst they do require petrol to run, hybrid cars use their electric motor to provide some or all of the driving force; which greatly reduces the petrol consumption, allowing you to save money whilst reducing your carbon footprint.
- The government charges considerably less road tax for hybrid cars, due to their lower CO2 emissions.
- Designed to be fuel efficient, hybrids are lighter in weight than standard petrol run cars and make use of a considerably smaller engine; both of which help to reduce fuel consumption.
- The research being poured into hybrid cars is constantly bearing fruit, with the average hybrid now being capable of running at 40 miles to the gallon and the newer, more advanced models being able to operate at an impressive 50mpg!
- Due to the many long-term ways in which they can help save the driver money, hybrids do not devalue in the same extreme way as regular cars would, resulting in high resale values.
4 Cons of Hybrid Cars
- Because they are designed with fuel economy in mind, not speed, hybrids will have a lower power output than cars that run purely on fossil fuels.
- The research going into hybrid cars may regularly show results, but it does make the initial expenditure of buying one noticeably higher.
- The parts used to build the hybrids are less common than parts for ordinary cars, meaning spare parts may not be immediately accessible. This also contributes to their high initial cost, as well as the increase in repair cost when out of warranty.
- Not all mechanics will be especially well versed in how to repair hybrid cars, or they may lack the equipment to work on them effectively.
If you currently drive or have ever driven a hybrid car please let us know about your experience by leaving a comment on this post or by leaving us a message on our Facebook, Twitter or Google+.