All of us at Launch Tech are very excited to introduce you to the Smoke Wizard smoke machine! This is a fantastic solution to the testing of fuel evaporator systems (EVAP) and an extremely valuable car diagnostic tool for garages and workshops dealing with all makes and models of vehicles.

smoke machine car diagnostic toolWe all know that smoke leak detection has changed the way system leaks are found and how ‘Check Engine’ codes are diagnosed, but the Smoke Wizard takes things a step further. Its safety features include a built-in air pressure regulator offering an optimum outlet air pressure of 0.45PSI/ 0.32 Bar which makes this leak detector suitable for use on virtually any low pressure system in any vehicle. For EVAP testing, the Smoke Wizard has the capability to use inert gas rather than air to force the smoke through your fuel evaporator system making ignition impossible.

For revolutionary ‘micro-leak’ detection, the Smoke Wizard provides an innovative solution to difficult to see leaks in tight or dark corners. The mineral oil supplied with the Smoke Wizard kits is designed to leave a small deposit at the site of the leak. When under a UV light (also supplied), the deposit clearly illuminates the site of the fault severely cutting down the time it takes to diagnose system leaks.

The Smoke Wizard is available in the GLD-40 Kit and Compact GLD-50 Kit for your preference in size, and both kits are delivered with a standard adapter fitting, Schrader tool, a smoke diffuser, smoke solution, an assortment of cap-plugs and much more. See our website for more details on this remarkable smoke leak detection car diagnostic tool!

Post By Marc